II. Engagement
Your state is at the Engagement step of the Academic Progression Commitment Continuum if:
AD and BSN leaders have formally met to discuss strategic planning for community, regional or statewide education, which may include all or some of the following:
- Stakeholders have reviewed IOM recommendations related to a more highly educated nursing workforce
- Evidence linking patient outcomes with nursing education have been reviewed and discussed
- Partnership models of academic progression have been shared or discussed
Barriers to academic progression have been discussed but not fully addressed, which may include all or some of the following:
- Articulation agreements or structures may exist but do not adequately address barriers
- Articulation agreements may not include all schools or are school specific (Universities may be required to have many different articulation agreements)
- Individual courses may articulate and can be assessed by students or advisers via website or other listing
- Nursing course may articulate but pre-requisites and General Education requirements for AD to not prepare student to enter directly into BSN program
- Articulation agreements are static; not adjusted in view of outcomes
- Students following articulation pathway commonly complete the BSN with > 128 semester units
- Energy is growing to “do something together” to help students/nurses progress to the BSN more seamlessly
Employers value BSN and are considering the ROI, which may include all or some of the following:
- Employers educate the workforce on the value of BSN
- CNOs may participate on advisory committees with Schools of Nursing
- Employer representatives engaged as co-designers of educational programs
- Schools of Nursing may still value employer representatives primarily as a pathway to clinical placements
- Employers and union representatives engage in dialog about academic progression
- CNOs value RN to BSN education but are not aware of the opportunity or potential benefit of partnership between AD and BSN programs
- Academic and practice representatives have identified a broad group of stakeholders who will need to participate in the process
- CNOs with limitations on clinical placements begin to recognize that students in partnership programs are in a baccalaureate track even while completing AD coursework
The following outcomes are typically expected during Engagement:
- Information about the proportion of students who matriculate directly into any BSN program may be being tracked OR there is recognition of the need to track
- Stakeholders may have data on diversity of their workforce and the community they serve; recognition of need for this information
- AD program data allows tracking of diversity data for enrollment and graduation
Refer to the Resources page for tools and articles most helpful at this stage of development.