I. Pre-Engagement
Your state is probably at the Pre-Engagement step of the Academic Progression Commitment Continuum if:
There is little or no formalized communication between AD and BSN programs, which may include all or some of the following:
- No joint meetings of AD and BSN faculty; no sharing of faculty
- No collaborative strategic planning for community, regional or statewide education
- Relationships may be seen as competitive, adversarial, or dis-respectful
- Programs are viewed singularly; not with a clear place in regional or state plan overall
Few barriers to academic progression have been addressed, which may include all or some of the following:
- Innovation may be seen as a threat to stability including pass rates
- Barriers prevent students from advancing smoothly between AD and BSN
- Messaging to students focuses on promoting the school and does not include value of academic progression
- AD pre-requisite courses may not meet requirements for BSN education (Course repetition)
- Financial aid exhausted at completion of AD
- Units to graduate with AD Nursing exceed 72 semester credits
- There is little energy to better connect AD and BSN education
- Programs at capacity for without a process to connect applicants to other schools
Limited or no employer support for educational advancement, which may include all or some of the following:
- No preferential hiring; limited or no preferential advancement
- No differentiated practice between AD and BS nurses
- No pay differential based on educational level
- Employers value the RN license over the education preparation
- No tuition reimbursement; no flexible scheduling, etc.
- Limited or no engagement by Union representatives in regard to academic progression
Limited engagement between academia and practice on matters of academic progression, which may include all or some of the following:
- Employer views relationship with the academia through the lens of clinical placement only
- Clinical placements may favor BSN programs limiting options for AD students
- No specific relationship between CNOs and deans & directors
- CNOs identify academic progression as a personal choice of the RN
- Little or no strategic planning or activity to develop a workforce reflective of the diverse community served
- Little or no recognition of the role of academic institutions in preparing a workforce reflective of the diverse community served
The following outcomes are typically expected during Pre-Engagement:
- Information about the proportion of students who matriculate directly into BSN programs is not tracked or available
- No diversity data is available